3 Ways to Become A Blockchain Developer in 2021

Dylan Williamson
2 min readMay 6, 2021


If 2021 has proved anything, it is that the power of blockchain is unprecedented and is without a doubt taking over finance as a whole. Blockchain is still a relatively new technology and therefore it is the perfect time to become a blockchain developer. In this article, I’m going to show you 3 resources I have used, or currently am using in order to become a master Blockchain Developer.

1 — CryptoZombies

I believe CryptoZombies may be one of the most effective tutorials for Ethereum programming. What this site does is guides you through building a Zombie Factory while also allowing you to create custom Zombies. The lessons are super interactive, easy to follow and most importantly keep you entertained! This is possibly the best beginner-friendly resource for blockchain development and should not be overlooked.

2 — Dapp University

Dapp University is run by Gregory Dapp who you might know better by his involvement with FreeCodeCamp. He has countless free videos on his YouTube channel which cover everything regarding ethereum programming. In addition to his absolutely INCREDIBLE FREE 2021 Ethereum Programming Course, he teaches you how to build cryptocurrency price trackers, FULLY FUNCTIONING EXCHANGES, and even your own cryptocurrency! This is one of those resources you cannot miss out on and you don’t even need to purchase his paid course to reap the benefits.

3 — EatTheBlocks

EatTheBlocks is similar to Dapp University and is run by well known Developer Julien Klepatch. Like Gregory Dapp, Julien runs a YouTube channel where he teaches a wide range of things relating to Blockchain development. In addition to running his YouTube, Julien also has a few amazing paid courses which should honestly be considered (after evaluating his free content of course!). I just recently purchased his Flashloans Course and I am anything but disappointed! Julien has worked for huge companies as a Blockchain developer and you can be assured you’re learning quality fundamentals by learning with him.

