3 Powerful Sites For Monetizing Your Development In 2021

Dylan Williamson
2 min readMay 13, 2021


There’s no debating the fact that everyone could use more money, especially in midst of a global pandemic. Thankfully as a Web Developer, this doesn’t need to hold you back! We’re going to go over three amazing sites I personally use to make money as a Developer.


Fiverr is arguably one of the most popular platforms for freelance work. This site is wonderful because it’s been around for a while so there is a HUGE demand for development there. The only real con to fiverr in my opinion is that it’s a bit saturated which can make it a little hard to first get work. With this being said, if you can get a few solid reviews you can really start to build traction here!


Freelancer is another great platform for freelancers. I would say the greatest thing about Freelancer is that the overall pay seems to be a bit higher. It’s always going to vary given the fact prices are set between clients and contractors but work is a bit more valued there. This is partially due to certain jobs requiring freelancers to perform tests to assess skill. This can really work to your benefit if you’re a skilled Developer.


Last, but certainly not least, is Upwork. This one is my absolute favorite platform for a few key reasons. With Upwork, freelancers can post their own custom services as well as search the feed for jobs posted by clients. This dual income stream system at Upwork makes it extremely valuable to me. Fiverr has a similar model but because there are no limits on how many proposals you can make at one time, the market is flooded with people willing to work for basically nothing. Upwork also values skill and lets you complete certifications to increase your popularity. This one alone is guaranteed to make you some extra money this month!

